High Density Storage Drive in Pallet Racking
High Density Drive in Pallet Racking use the less warehouse area space to improve more storage capacity.
What is the idea for Drive in pallet racking system?
● Need to store large quantity of cargo
● Need to seperate store the cargo
● Need High density to store cargo and selective pallet racking can’t afford that
● Need to be cold room storage
● Need to store cargo base on the First-In-Last-Out(FILO) system.
How does it works?
Store big amounts associated with comparable or even similar products, the Drive-in Pallet Racking may free-up around 90% associated with current warehouse area, when it compares with selective pallet racking system storage. Cargos can be accessed from both sides of the rack, meaning the first pallet in is the Last one out (FILO).